Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers

Posted Tuesday March 22

What utter balderdash!

That fellow would have us believe a machine will one day take the place of the artist’s palette and brushes.

I gave him a chance. I was led into a darkened room where he made me sit perfectly still on a chair. He stood himself behind a tree legged mechanical contraption, flung a black sheet over his head and bent down. Then my dear, another chap stood behind him holding a peculiar device on a stick. Would you believe it, the wretched thing flashed brightly and billowed smoke into the air.  I was near blinded and almost choked to death. He wants me to return tomorrow to view the result of his endeavour.

No my dear, he is wrong, so wrong.  Next, they will suggest that machines will one day replace pen and ink.

What absolute bunkham.

Picture: Uday

There are just 10 days until the start of A-Z Challenge 2016. 1342 writers and poets have signed up so far! Don't miss out.



  1. I am sure that many people in the past would have thought something along those lines! Well told story.

  2. I was going to say the same thing (almost) as Angie. I imagine that many people felt the same way back then. I can remember thinking, (when told that someday there would be camera phones that you can see the person you are talking to) oh we will never have phones like that! Well.. we sure do!! Great story, Keith!!

  3. Yup! They thought the same back then, as we did and so will the coming generations! (To think the Jestsons don't seem so extraordinary after all!) Great story! :)

  4. Well done! And as I enjoy both typing and photography, it's very poignant. Thank you for sharing the link to the blog challenge! I'd better sign up.

  5. I always thought it was odd that the facial expressions were so glum in the earliest photos until I learned they had to sit still for a relatively long time.

  6. I always thought it was odd that the facial expressions were so glum in the earliest photos until I learned they had to sit still for a relatively long time.

  7. Great story. I bet we may have said those words when we were younger too - maybe not for those specific inventions but still ...

  8. Nice take, with some irony of course, since what he said would take place has.

  9. What a sense of the true beliefs of a time period. Loved it!
