Sunday, July 26, 2015

(Please scroll down or click HERE for my Sunday Whirligig story)

Still Working!

This is my first foray into the world of Sunday Photo Fiction which comes highly recommended to me. So, a story in around 200 words inspired by this photograph. 198 OK? Here goes!

Quiet today. Not many people about. Perhaps I should think about relocating.

Hang on; I need to concentrate.

Nice one, she left me a pound!

Where was I? Oh yes. One good thing about quiet days is that I can stretch my muscles now and again. Also if I get an itch I can scratch it! Try that in a busy street.

Oh good, here comes another....breathe in.....hold.....go!

Mmm. Made the kids jump, but I got nothing. Some you win some you lose.

Where was I? Oh yea, one disadvantage of this job is that if you get cramp when it’s busy you just have to suffer it. Gosh that hurts.

Can you just shoo that pigeon off my head before it does something unsavoury? Thanks.

A mate of mine does a great Charlie Chaplin statue in the mall. Unfortunately, he caused some old fella to have a heart attack last week which upset him a bit. Upset both of them actually!

Some people coming into the park now so I’ll have to stop chatting in a minute. Is my make-up still OK?

Right, back to work.
Still....three two one...and...move! Ha-ha! Beats working for a living!

Footnote: People cleverly disguised as statues  are a common sight in London and other large towns these days. They stay motionless for ages before suddenly moving and making you jump out of your skin - and then they expect you to pay them! It's busking with a difference!

Photo: A statue of Air Force pilot at Battle of Britain memorial in Capel le Ferne in the UK


  1. Is he making money being a statue? Seems he is a statue that moves. Okay, sorry, I'm a little lost.

    1. He is. Perhaps I was wrong in thinking they were everywhere these days! you've prompted me to add a footnote.

  2. Hehe. Now that sounds like a lot of fun. Brilliant story idea!

    1. How they do it I just don't know! Thanks for visiting.

  3. I always wondered about the thought processes of those statues! This was fun.

    1. They certainly have a lot of time to think! Just as I was beginning to think nobody had heard of them, along you came! Thanks Nick.

  4. They do have a knack for making one jump!
    Very amusing story and his thought process is very realistic.

  5. Great story. I love those statues. Some of them really interact well with the people.

  6. And welcome :-)

  7. Those are great artists and actors. I'm amazed and entertained by those moving/living statues. :D

  8. Fun take on the image. And thank you for sharing the story behind the statue. It makes me want to visit out local Air Force museum. Cheers!

  9. Oh! I just learned that I've been nominated to keep a photo prompt challenge going. I'd like to nominate you, my friend. If you're interested, here are the rules:
    1) Post a photo each day for five consecutive days.
    2) Attach a story to the photo. It can be fiction, non-fiction, poetry, or a short paragraph. It’s entirely up to the individual.
    3) Nominate another blogger to carry on the challenge. Your nominee is free to accept or decline the invitation.
