Thursday, April 10, 2008

money with menaces

(Fiction) Friday has asked us to write about how our character handles a serious bout of financial troubles. Well this chap's in all sorts of bother!

He knew it was stupid. But he was desperate. The banks didn’t want to know him. His friends seemed strangely reluctant to help out. So against his better nature he resorted to meeting a money lender on a street corner in a quiet part of town.
The interest would be crippling. He knew that. But he had no choice. For the sake of his family he needed money and he needed it then.
One month later and there was a sharp knock at the door. He didn’t need to open it to know who was there. Louder bangs. The door shook, he shuddered. He was warned of the consequences if he failed to repay the loan, but he hadn’t been able to.
Only one thing for it. Open the window at the rear and jump. It was a two floor drop, but the risk was worth it – the alternative didn’t bare thinking about.
He leapt out. He landed awkwardly and his foot folded under him. He couldn’t help it – he screamed out in pain. As he rolled into a ball gripping his ankle he heard the swish of people rushing through the bushes behind him.

Somehow - mind over matter, he didn’t know - he managed to raise himself and hobble and hop out of the garden and into a back street. His whole body was drenched with perspiration. The pain turned to numbness as he staggered out into the road. He heard his pursuers vaulting he fence behind him. A car screeched to halt in an effort to avoid him, but too late. He was lifted off the road, slid across the bonnet and smashed his head through the windshield smashing it into a thousand pieces.


‘You have a visitor’ said a gentle voice. ‘I’ll leave you alone, but whatever you do, don’t try to speak'. As he lay in the hospital bed only his eyes were visible through the bandages which wrapped his face and neck.

He recognised the person holding a large bunch of flowers.

He was filled with panic and fear. He saw the nurse disappear from view, and used every muscle in his body to try and force a cry for help. But no one heard him. The last thing he remembered was the curtains closing around his bed.


  1. Yikes! I'm glad I read this in daylight.

  2. Uh oh sounds like his visitor isn't really all that friendly now are they? Great post.

  3. Poor guy can't catch a break, can he?
