Tuesday, October 24, 2017


Post 1623. Tuesday October 24

Just twenty minutes until my job interview. I mustn’t be late. I checked the address on the letter then set off. Five minutes later I was lost.

I asked a passing priest for help. ‘Walk until you reach St Peter’s church, turn left and it’s on your right’ he said. I crossed myself and trotted off. Five minutes later I was lost.

I spotted a chap on a bench swigging a can of beer and asked him for directions. ‘Walk to the Flying Fish, turn right and it’s there’ he slurred. Five minutes later... you guessed!

I stopped a little old lady. ’See the retirement home?’ she squeaked, ‘turn left there, left, and left again’ Five minutes later I was back where I started.

Surprisingly I made it and got the job! On the way back I donated to an old folks charity, said a prayer of thanks in the church and popped into the pub for a celebratory drink. Twenty minutes later I stepped outside tripped and fell flat on my face.
‘Can you direct me to the emergency department?’ I asked a passing stranger.

*I originally used the term A&E in the last sentence, but have now changed it to the emergency department as it seemed to confuse my readers from outside the UK!

This week's photo is supplied by Dorothy.


  1. Replies
    1. UK Accident and Emergency unit James! I've now Americanised it and changed it to Emergency Department. (Americaised is UK equivelent of Americaized!) Cheers

  2. Great story! Loved it! I am also confused, A&E?

    1. See above PJ! Glad you enjoyed even though the punchline confused you!

  3. Here in the states, A&E is a television channel.

  4. Loved the way you depicted the differences in perception of people. Cheers for that celebratory drink.

  5. I've been in the same situation myself countless times! That's why I always leave an hour early even if the interview is 20-30 mins away.

    1. Don't tell anyone, but actually I do to too! Thanks Bernadette

  6. It reminds me of another prompt I saw yesterday ... a cab that takes you where you need to go, not where you want to go .....

  7. Great fun Keith - got the job and a celebration to remember, a win-win!

  8. Nice one, Keith. Your MCs have been falling and getting injured a lot these days.

    1. Not a good week for them, clumsy lot! Cheers Varad.

  9. Well, at least once recovered there will be the opportunity to earn some money. Let's hope it doesn't have to go for buying extra bandages.

  10. Wee bit accident prone, aren't you? I mean coupled with the other story from yesterday? :D

  11. haha amazing he got there in time and got the job. Loved the last bit poor bugger

    1. Let's hope they let him out in time to start is job! Thanks Marja

  12. Hahaha! Somehow you manage to put an amusing spin to your stories. In this one, he is literally spinning around getting lost! Loved it.

  13. Getting lost under pressure or when the pressure is released seems to be the norm with the chap! So come what may, he needs assistance...
    Tongue in cheek story!

    Anagha recently posted "Not So Human Yet"

    1. I just hope he'll cope with his new job! Thanks Anagha
