Wednesday, March 01, 2017


Post1465. Tuesday February 28

Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers

Maisy was a farmer. She had a tractor, some cows and she grew crops.

It was Harvest Festival day and Maisy had just finished gathering some crops to take to the service when her brother Tom staggered up to her, bottle in hand. She told him to go away, but he instead he barged into her sending her flying. Her tractor and one of her cows fell on the floor and her handful of freshly harvested cress got caught in the breeze from the open door and blew all over the kitchen.

Fortunately, their mother appeared and after gathering up what she could with one hand, whilst holding a wriggling Tom with the other, calm was restored.

An hour later Maisy proudly added her contribution to the display of fruit and vegetables in the school hall and sang ‘we plough the fields and scatter’ at the top of her voice!

She gave up farming the next day. Her tractor and cows now rattle around at the bottom of her toy box.

Maisy is a nurse…...

For FFfAW where this week's photo prompt is by MajesticGoldenRose.


  1. In many ways nursing and farming share the same risks and worries... what will live, what will recover, what will thrive, and what will die. My father was a farm implements dealer, both my parents grew up as farm kids, I think, given the choice I'd rather do that than be a nurse as my daughter is, in that job you literally hold life and death in your hands.

    1. I grew up in a small farming comunity and it certainly shaped my life. Thanks Josie

  2. This was wonderful! I had to read it three times as, at first I thought they were adults and her brother was a drunk...not a toddler!!
    Excellent play on words!!

    - Lisa

  3. Hahaha! Maisy is a child pretending to be a farmer so next she tried being a nurse. SO CUTE!!

  4. Hi Keith - does Maisy now drop the tray of instruments? Great story telling though ... cheers Hilary

  5. I loved reading this piece! Thank you for sharing. :D

  6. Lovely lightness of touch Keith, very enjoyable. Who knows what the farming world has lost with Maisie's premature exit into nursing!

    1. Farmings loss is nursing's gain - until she gets bored with that too! Cheers Iain

  7. You portray people so well, in all walks of life - and beyond. Amazing.

    1. People come in so many varieties! Fun to search them out. Thanks as ever Darla

  8. Hi, I’m majesticgoldenrose, and I am glad you used my prompt. Great post, btw! You write so well!
