Thursday, March 23, 2017


Post 1485. Thursday March 23

Six Sentence Stories

Ernie loves nothing more than to stand in a crowded street pointing skyward, and as everybody stops and gazes up at nothing at all, walk away!

Another of his favourite games is to glue a coin to the pavement and sit on a nearby bench; it’s worth ten pence to sit and watch people’s frustrated attempts at picking it up.

He is a bit naughty sometimes, like when he walks up to someone who is eating sweets from a packet, says ‘look over there’ then quickly pinch one!

Only the other day he went into a public toilet, lifted a loo seat, stretched some cling film over the bowl, lowered it again and walked away.

Yesterday as he walked down a crowded street he saw several people pointing skyward. He stopped and looked up, not noticing that everyone was dashing off, and got bonked on the head by an out-of-control drone!

For Six Sentence Stories where the cue is Point


  1. Haha. Ernie's poetic justice or at least karma. I worked with a jokester - April 1 was her favorite day of the year. She always put a rubberband around the sink squirter hose so that as soon as one turned on the faucet, they were (I was) doused with a shower. She also did some nasty bathroom things that I won't go into but it did involve chocolate donuts. To this day I wonder if she ever got her poetic justice.

    1. Val, that is so funny. Chocky donuts will never taste the same!

  2. What a perfect ending to this tale, Keith! You made me laugh this morning, poetic justice indeed! I used to love to do things like this on the elevator where I worked, staring up at a corner, or mentioning things like "Isn't this the one that got stuck yesterday?" It certainly breaks up the boredom of everyone staring at their feet in a confined space. :-)

    1. There is so much fumn to be had out there! Thanks Josie

  3. His comeuppance was pointed indeed!

    1. It had to turn round on him one day! Cheers Paul

  4. Heeheehee! About time he got paid back, perhaps.

  5. Aw, Ernie's just having fun. Hope he enjoyed it as much when it was turned on him. :)

    1. I'm sure he saw the funny side of it once the stars disappeared!

  6. I must give Sussex a miss next time I am in England in case I meet Earnie there. Laughing with people is always better than laughing at them.

    1. Looks as though Ernie earned my approbation twice!

    2. We're an odd lot in Sussex OE! Thanks twice matey.

  7. Priceless! I do like a little poetic justice. It's such a rare pleasure.

  8. I guess what goes around....really does come DOWN!

    - Lisa

  9. ha! hoist on his own petard! (from my readings, that expression is one of the most mis-applied Shakespeare lines anywhere*)
    Liked the Six because the joker got played.

    *I believe I have continued the tradition with my own misuse (at least of the literal interpretation)

    1. I do believe you have, but what the heck? I like to think that we are correcting the Bard, not mis-applying him! Cheers Clark

  10. Oh dear--I guess it was bound to happen!

    1. If you can't take it you shouldn't give it! Cheers!
