Wednesday, December 21, 2016


Posted Wednesday December 21

He always said he wanted to make a mark; be remembered for something by generations to come.

He made a mark alright, a skid mark along the road as he slid into the back of the car in front.

For generations to come, he’ll be remembered by the family of those whose lives he wrecked.

Years later, bunches of flowers mark the spot. The spot where a driver was more interested in the text he was writing than what was happening around him.

Yes, he made a mark, and yes, he’ll be remembered for something by generations to come.

This week's prompt is the word 'mark'



  1. How sadly poignant. Well done.

  2. A powerful reminder of the lasting consequences of being inattentive when you drive. Put down the phone, it can wait! I can't imagine living with the knowledge that your carelessness ended someone else's life and changed their family forever. Good story, Keith!

  3. I drive by several of these marked memorials every day.

  4. Well told, and a great warning!

  5. Too frighteningly true and believable.

  6. yeah, agreeing with Paul see those roadside monuments, funerals with 65 mph pallbearers.

  7. This so sad and so true for too many.

  8. What is really needed is a device to negate mobile phones in cars unless they are hands free. It is staggering how many drivers can be seen each day attempting suicide or murder each day.
