Saturday, May 16, 2015

It's Six Word Saturday!

Back from Turkey and missing it!

I can't believe that just five days ago I was in Istanbul at the end of a long journey around that amazing country. Right now, I'm sorting through hundreds of photos and working out how best to describe my wondrous trip in a travel post that isn't a mile long!

Click on pic to enlarge!


  1. Turkey has been on my radar for so long. I can't wait to get there. Hopefully soon as I will be moving to Cairo which brings it much closer. Happy remembering, Cheryl

  2. Welcome Home! This arch photo is PHENOMINAL!!!! I want to reach out & touch it.

  3. What a wondrous photo! I would miss the trip, too.

  4. Welcome home! Sounds like you need to put your visit to Turkey into several posts! :)

  5. It's such a shame when holidays end. Can't wait to see your photos - especially if they're all as stunning as this one.

  6. That's a beauty of a shot, Keith! Where is it, exactly? (I have to know the details :) )

  7. thanks for sharing that lovely photo, luv the sky; have a nice Saturday

    much love...

  8. That's an amazing photo. I'd be curious to learn how long it took you to reach Turkey. I'm happy living in the United States but do wish there were more ready access to other countries. Call me spoiled with some nice US states to visit even as I feel blessed to travel vicariously through talented writings like yours. Perhaps I can nudge my partner toward international travel. ~grin~ Welcome back!

    1. It's very easy to reach from here Darla, just a 3 hours flight. Cheap too if I use a budget no-frills airline! Thank you for your flattering comment!

  9. Turkey must be a wonderful place to visit. Please tell us more about your trip.

  10. That is a neat picture you shared! I look forward to reading about your trip and adventures as I am sure I will never make it to Turkey in my lifetime.


  11. Just read your travelogue and saw the lovely pics too... No wonder you are missing it!!
