Thursday, April 30, 2015

Those naughty Z's

It's the final day of the A-Z April 2015 Challenge

I've just noticed this is my 1111th post!

Alphabet Land is rather unusual. For a start, whereas most places have one capital, Alphabet Land has 26.

It is governed by the Phonetics who hold together a diverse community of Vowels and Consonants most of whom lead separate lives, although there are a few couples. 

C’s and K’s get on well and Q’s can't manage without U’s. There are several P’s and S’s who are silent partners, and double L’s who moved there from Wales. Twins abound there are lots of double D’s and double T’s. 

Recently a gang of brutish Z’s were making the lives of the other letters intolerable so the Punctuation police decided they needed to be kept apart. 

First to offer their help were the Hyphens, who were used to keeping groups of letters apart. The Full Stops offered to call a halt, and the Colons and their junior partners the Semis felt that they could slow things down a bit.

The Z's refused comply so the Brackets were sent to round them up. They were taken to court to be sentenced if they refused to abide by the Law of the Letter.

As a result The Z’s agreed never to congregate in a crowd again. 

Number Land was asked if they thought their promise added up to anything. The Pluses outnumbered the Minuses so it was decided to release them.

Outside the court the Y’s questioned the decision, and the P’s held a meeting in the toilet but it was upheld.

Thankfully all is now calm and quiet on Scrabble Square and Crossword Corner.

That's pretty well it for this years A-Z Challenge! All that remains is for me is to look back over the experience. I'll be posting my Reflections tomorrow before heading off on a tour a tour of Turkey. WiFi permitting I'll post a link on the 5th.


  1. Very clever! This reminded me of a book we read to the second grade called "Chicka, Chicka, Boom". I love word play.

    1. I'm not familiar with that book. I too love a bit of wordplay as you've discovered several times during the challenge! Thanks so much for your support.

  2. You're going on a tour to Turkey? That's cool. Love your alphabet story. Hope you enjoyed the challenge. I guess I'll find out on your reflections post.

    1. I am indeed - I'll soon have another tab for my sidebar! I really enjoyed the challenge. Thank you so much for visiting me.

  3. well,well, that was quite imaginative, enjoyed reading your posts, must remain in touch, enjoy your trip.

  4. Well, great! Congrats on making it to Z! Thank you so much for participating in the A to Z Challenge. Looks like you already know about the A to Z Reflections round on May 4th. There will be a Linky for it on the main blog, so please look for it there if you have wifi! Please post your reflections on the challenge, visit others, and catch up on the blogs you didn't have time to read! Have a great trip to Turkey! Looks like you had an imaginative way with letters.

    Team Macha, Helping Co-Host Czenge
    Maui Jungalow

  5. Love the alphabet story! Enjoy yourself on your tour and be safe;)

    1. Thanks Jennifer. I've so enjoyed your post, see you soon!

  6. Fantastic! Loved the LLs moving from Wales :-)

    Thank you for such a brilliant month. Have a great time in Turkey!

    Annalisa, writing A-Z vignettes, at Wake Up, Eat, Write, Sleep

    1. Thanks to you also Annalisa. I'll be quiet for about 12 days then I'll be back on duty!

  7. This can help teach children! Awesome. I adore Scrabble and have been playing with the British dictionary, which has been interesting as I live in the US Midwest. Surprising to me, some of my best plays have turned out to be QI, QIN, and QAT. ~grin~ My final post for the challenge at is about zinnias. I am number 1157 on the list now and can’t believe the month is nearly over. I'll miss you while you're gone. Travel safe! That sounds exciting.

    1. Wow, love those Q words! There's nothing like a game of Scrabble particularly if like us you love words! Thanks for you support during April.

  8. Very fun finale to your A-Z Challenge! Thanks again for visiting me!

    1. Thanks Kathe It's been a real pleasure visiting you and you 'aint seen the last of me yet!

  9. I'm expecting a hostile takeover by the Zs right after lunch. It's my own fault for staying up way too late last night. I'm too tired to make a good colon joke. It's out there though. I just know it.

    1. Ha ha! I thought about a Colon Collective too but I wasn't sure how to build it what is essentially a kids story!

  10. I absolutely LOVE this story!! It would be so great to teach this to kids in school! Well done, and congrats on finishing the A to Z challenge :)!!

    Rachel's Ramblings - full of writing, tea and cake

    1. Not sure where the idea came from but it was huge fun to write! Thanks Rachel.

  11. Clever and fun! Congratulations on finishing the A-Z and your 1111th post. I'll be coming back to read more.

    1. Thanks so much for being such a loyal visitor. I look forward to more of your writings in the future.

  12. Looking forward to more and more of your writing and muses. And Travelogues. I read about your vacation in South India, and I hope you carry few more experiences spices back from Turkey.
    Travel brings power and love back into your life ~ Rumi

    1. Thank you so much Naqvee. My two loves are travelling and writing and they go together so perfectly!

  13. What a brilliant and a clever story, Keith! Enjoyed reading your stories from A to Z (Have missed the last few alphabets... was traveling... will come back to read the missed stories!) Congratulations on completing the challenge with style and congrats for your 1111th post too! Way to go! Cheers :)

    1. Thanks so much Shilpa, it's been enormous fun.

  14. What a great end to a great set of posts, I must follow you I am looking forward to regular treats and posts from... now until then...

    We made it... thank you!
    Jeremy [Retro]
    AtoZ Challenge Co-Host [2015]

    There's no earthly way of knowing.
    Which direction we are going!

    Come Visit: You know you want to know if me or Hollywood... is Nuts?

  15. that was a fun read :D thankfully the scramble is over.. but loved the challenge :D

    1. Fun wasn't it? thanks so much for following me.

  16. What a way to finish the challenge with the 1111 post!! And such a cute one too; very imaginative with our alphabet; some of the letters don't play well together, do they?

    Congrats for finishing!


  17. Very witty! My favourite line was the one about the P's, guess that's my level of humour. Congrats on reaching the end.
