Thursday, December 28, 2017


Post 1659. Thursday December 28

She sat in silent stillness reading her book, bathed in light from a lamp at her side. It was quiet, so so quiet and with every turn of the page, the story of suspense and terror gripped her more and more.

She shuddered and tugged her comfort blanket tight around herself and tighter still, so absorbed was she that she didn’t hear the door click open, and was completely unaware of someone watching her from the gloom of the hallway.

He began to creep closer to her, closer and closer, then without a sound reached across and flicked the switch plunging the room into sudden total darkness. She gasped as her book fell to the floor.

He touched her arm; she could feel the warmth of his breath on her ear, then he yelled…


This week's cue word is 'suspend'. I have taken the liberty of altering it slightly to 'suspense'. Am I forgiven?


  1. You are forgiven. I live alone and read in bed sometimes. You were scaring the Y-K-W out of me for a minute there. Nice twist.

  2. Yes, you are forgiven! Nice spooky story!

  3. Hee hee. She'll give him heck of course.

    1. I think he's in a spot of bother after that! Thanks for dropping by.

  4. (following on D's comment)...if that is, she doesn't throw that lamp at him. Which she kinda oughta to do.
    I would imagine his relationship to our bedtime-suspense-story-reader will be the true determinant of the appropriate punishment.

  5. LOL. Good one. You had me in suspense for sure and the twist at the end. Boo to you to.

  6. An excellent suspense story!

  7. Woo hoo! Good one for Halloween...

  8. Most entertaining and like the spare prose style. Good one.

  9. BOO HOO ..... still hiding behind the closet.
    Happy 2018.

    Blog spot does not allpw me to post comments on FF and FFFaw.


    1. Oh, it was you!! The problem you've encountered is new too me - I hope it resolves itself.

  10. Hi Keith ... clever take on a chilling read - congratulations with all your stories. Have a happy 2018 and all the best for the year ahead ... cheers Hilary

    1. That's so kind of you Hilary. All the best to you too.
