Tuesday, November 14, 2017


Post 1635. Tuesday November 14

I should have seen
the writing on the wall
but I didn't

I never asked
when she came home late

I never asked
when she took those calls
from whom

she’s left, but why?
no warning, no reason
no note

this morning a kiss goodbye
as usual
quite normal

now her things are gone
everything except
her ring

she’s gone
but where, who with ?
what went wrong?

I should have seen
the writing on the wall
but I didn't

Word count 78

Thanks to Priceless Joy for hosting and any1mark66 for the picture.



  1. Apt for this prompt.

  2. But I bet the guy knows the score of the latest football game.

  3. Don't think I've ever seen poetry from you before Keith, nicely done, and good way to take the prompt.

    1. I haven't written a poem for years, but I still have my poetry blog and there's a link to it at the very bottom of the sidebar. Thanks Iain.

  4. Wonderful poem, Keith! I think there are many times we all wish we could have seen the writing on the wall!

  5. A lack of closure haunts people for long.But it happens so often.

  6. Loved it- so much of pain and unanswered questions- hauntingly beautiful

  7. Beautifully done Keith. Like the way you interpreted the prompt.

  8. We are always better with hindsight... So sad to see him alone in the company of so many questions.
    Keith, till date, I have read your stories... I think this is the first time ever I saw a poetic expression from you. And you are master at it too!

    Anagha recently posted Miles To Go
