Thursday, August 24, 2017


Post 1588. Thursday August 24

Friday Fictioneers

I ventured alone into the woods and found myself a sun dappled clearing. After successfully wrestling with my tent I sat down with a well-deserved beer. I had returned to nature with just humming bees, inquisitive deer, rabbits and scurrying squirrels for company.

In the early hours of the morning, I was startled awake by torrential rain, lightning and thunder. I normally enjoy a good storm, but in a flimsy canvas chrysalis, itโ€™s pretty scary! But I survived and in the morning as I trudged around my mud pit, surveying the scene and soaking up the tranquillity, I thought to myself, this really is heaven.

Thanks to Rochelle for hosting and to Jan Wayne Fields for the photograph.

As an avid and regular camper, I had plenty of experience to draw from when writing my piece of 'faction'! This was me a couple months ago.



  1. Ah! The eternal optimist.๐Ÿ™„ Nothing like gathering soggy firewood among the dripping trees. You lacked only the skunk crawling in beside you to warm up.

    1. Funniest comment I ever read -- the "skunk" busted my gut.

    2. You need to be an optimist when camping! Cheers Swallow

  2. I am more of a trailer person now. Went the tent, then the pop-up tent trailer (in which we spent 5 out of 8 days in the bloody rain) to the trailer. At least this way, you were ensured of not getting wet whilst sleeping!
    As for this guy, he truly is the eternal optimist!

    1. I've tried a trailer - or caravan as we call them, but I stil prefer the feeling of sleeping close to naure under canvas. Cheers Dale

  3. I really like the narrator's positive attitude . He must really love camping . I also really liked the vivid descriptions, I could almost see the place .
    Beautiful story , Keith .

    1. I dolove camping, and the more basic the facilities the better! Thanks moon.

  4. You evoked the setting for me, mud and all

  5. I could have been there. I wouldn't, of course, but I could have, reading your words.

  6. Well, I honestly must say I do not miss camping out with the Boy Scouts or sleeping in a tent at a two day fundraiser for cancer research. Especially wondering what was wandering around outside the tent during the night.

    1. Some animals are very nosey during the night and love to pokr the canvas with their snouts! I love it! Thanks Denise.

  7. The camp experience ended on a good heavenly note. We had pitched a tent during Girl Guides but we spent the night in the mortar-brick structure and checked whether the tent is in one piece in the morn.

  8. Ooh, I thought for a minute there he was going to pack up and go back to city life. Nice one!

  9. Nice job of writing, but I have to tell you that your idea of heaven is WAY different from mine :)

    1. One person's heaven is another's hell! hanks Linda.

  10. Tents and rain have never been linked in my mind *smiles* but the concept is true indeed, nature is heaven...

    1. Indeed it is, whatever the weather! Thanks Shadow

  11. Dear Keith,

    Been there, done that. Only we did it with three boys and a friend of one of the boys. One of our sons was only 9 months old at the times. Rain drenched us through the breaking down tent in the middle of the night. Not the best camping memory...although plenty of laughs now that it's so far in the past. Good story...You're hardcore to see that as heaven.



    1. Certainly not a great memory Rochelle! I camp several times a year both in the UK and across the water in France, and I can't get enough of it! I'm heading north in two weeks time.

  12. Ah, lovely, that really makes me want to go camping again. I feel more relaxed just reading. I don't mind the rain so much if I have a good tent although sometimes you're just not lucky. Your tent looks great.

    1. It's only tiny but it's waterproof! hanks Ga H

  13. Yep. That's what camping is all about. I've always thought it should be done in a tent. But now I'm thinking one of those campers on a pickup might be more my speed.

    1. I feel closer to nature when all I have between us is a sheet of canvas! Thanks Alice

  14. that's positive thinking for you. works all the time. :)

  15. I never tried it after the first time.

  16. Yes. Positive thinking. Seeing the best. I'm all for it. Well done!

  17. Ooh. This makes me want to go camping. I love sitting by a campfire with a nice cocktail. ~grin~ Be well!

    1. Me too and if the weather behaves I'll be doing it again next week. I'll raise my plastic wine glass to you! Cheers Darla!

  18. I do enjoy a great night in a tent... and as long as it's not raining in the morning too I'm always happy.

  19. Lovely take on the prompt. I could totally picture this

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