Sunday, July 09, 2017


Post 1564. Sunday July 9

Sunday Photo Fiction

Dick the Vic came into my pub the other night, or the Reverend Richard Dixon to give him his correct name. He had his son with him – the Reverend Dick’s son! His name is Ian and it was his eighteenth birthday. It was time for his dad to treat him to his first ‘legal’ pint.

‘A pint of frothing ale landlord, please’ Dick said as he handed me a tankard. It was his present to Ian. I filled it and handed it back.

‘One Corinthians thirteen eleven’ he bellowed in his finest pulpit voice as he held it aloft. Every head in the bar turned in his direction. First, you must read this son’ he shouted, pointing to an inscription on the vessel.

Ian cleared his throat.

‘When I was….’

‘Louder son'

Ian took a deep breath and started again.

’When I was a child, I spoke as a child, understood as a child, and thought as a child. When I became a man I put away childish things and…drank beer’!

Everyone in the pub raised their glass and shouted ‘Amen’

For Sunday Photo Fiction where the pub in the photo is an establishment I am familiar with!




  1. This was good fun to read. I guess you had real fun writing this one. Cheers, Varad

  2. Hi Keith - excellent ... and fun to read - cheers Hilary

  3. Cheers to Ian.... fun reading this story.

  4. Hey! A new sort of bar" mitzvah!!!

  5. Delightful story Keith. Just by the by I noticed the White Horse pub in the picture has a wall of knapped flint which was fairly common in Hampshire which brought back memories for me.

    1. You are quite right OE. I spend quite a bit of time in Hamshire and see them often - infact I'm there for a fewe days next week

  6. Dic the Vic...funny name.
    At the start, I thought this might be an Amble bay post,

    Click Here to see what Mrs. Dash Says

  7. Ha! Love it! I even literally lol'ed :)

  8. Ha, ha. This was really clever, Keith. Great description. I could picture it happening. Good writing. :D --- Suzanne

    1. So pleased you enjoyed it. Thanks so much Suzanne

  9. I love it. Made me laugh. Thanks Keith.
