Sunday, July 03, 2016

A Sunday Twosome

Posted Sunday July 3

For Sunday Photo Fiction, and The Sunday Whirl where I used the given words cross, order, right, through, ground, end, only, lady, ride, stalk and plants

Most still slumber as the sun’s golden orb begins its morning ride skyward.  But not me. On this misty moisty morning, the air I breathe is damp, cold, pure. The gentle breeze uplifting. The only sound I hear is the swishing of my feet as I wander through the dew-laden pasture. Droplets of water sparkle as they fall from somewhere above me to the ground below, and I gaze upon a crimson ladybird as she wanders down the slippery stalk of a swaying plant. A sudden flapping of wings echoes all around as a bird bursts from the skeletal branches of a naked tree. To my right, a fox stops and stares, one paw raised. Then a splash and a flash as a silver fish frolics in the glassy water of the reed-edged lake sending shimmering ripples in ever increasing circles across its surface. The heady scent of a new dawn is intense, as yet untainted by the flurry of human activity.

Too soon this order will come to an end. For now at least, this is my world. A world known to few but me.


  1. A nice, fresh morning is always welcome, Keith.

  2. Terrifically descriptive, Keith - I enjoyed your story very much.

    Susan at
    Travel, Fiction and Photos

  3. Rich and full of descriptive images. Very enjoyable.

  4. Sounds like a beautiful and picturesque place. It doesn't seem to bode well for the future of it, with humans inching in.

  5. Brilliant! Beautifully written.

  6. a new dawn is intense,
    as yet untainted by the
    flurry of human activity

    How one would have wished it is sustained untainted. Still not many would get to experience the peaceful moisty misty mornings anyway!


  7. I feel as though I'm there too.

  8. Lovely! Reminds me of watching sunrise over the Atlantic. ~grin~ I wish I could be there now. Thank you for this!

  9. Great story. Mixing the prompts worked really well too. Excellent.

  10. This piece has a poem-like quality to it, Keith. Beautiful descriptions. Good writing. --- Suzanne

  11. This has turned out really nice.. :-)
    (its PH)
