Saturday, June 18, 2016

My Sunday Threesome!

Posted Saturday June 18

Where am I? What loathsome sin have I committed to deserve this? Somebody, anybody, help me, please. Why do my pleas go unheeded? Run, yes run. Fast. Faster. Water, water all around me. Where am I? Rushing, boiling, foaming water erupting from nowhere, everywhere, sweeping me along. I crack me head against a jagged rock. Help me, please. Where am I? Here’s the bank rising up and up. Climb. Clamber. Shadows taunt me, crows torment me. Swarming. Flapping. Pecking. Squawking. I scramble through mud. It sucks me, pulls me. Angry thorns tug me, snag me, slow me... slower.... slower..... slower. I fall.

Where am I? I am in a different place, a quiet and peaceful place. The thorns release me, and as I watch them retreat, pale leaves unfurl and a rose bud appears, its little pink petals unfolding. I sense the sweetest aroma as a gentle breeze caresses my face, and a songbird serenades me. Look, over there; a shimmering pool, its ripples gleaming gold in the sunlight. Warm rays cosset me, embrace me, comfort me. I love this place.

I feel a bump on my head. My eyes spring open as a little boy runs past.  Sorry mister he shouts as he chases his ball across the park.

Of this week's twenty-five given words, I have used all but two.


  1. Catching up on your sleep in the park were you Keith? Those late nights at the pub are telling on you I see!

  2. A question I often ask - in the park with a sore head - can be the less ominous of many an answer ;)

  3. A nightmare while dozing in public.

  4. Not the best having a nightmare in public, Keith, especially if you wake with a jolt! At least this one came to a gentle end!

  5. Sounds as if someone had spiked your drink on a big night out.:) Enjoyed this one !

  6. Damned kids and their games with you asleep on the park bench.

  7. fun night, was it? peace!

  8. Well done! Twenty-five is a lot of words in one ficlet. I could never do so in such short order.
