Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Friday Fictioneers

Thank you Rochelle for this week's picture prompt. I've chosen just to use just the river part of the picture!

Shhh. Listen to the stillness. Is that the squeak of a grasshopper? And over there, a cricket chirruping in the grass. I can hear the song of a thrush. Yes, look, there it is in that tree.

Hark. There’s a rustling in the undergrowth, the sound of a scurrying creature.  There it goes, a fox heading for the open field beyond.

What’s that splashing? It sounds like a river.  Over there. Come on. Did you see that? A shoal of silver fish leaping, jumping, splashing in the sparkling water.

Sit with me here. Let’s not move. Let’s not speak.  Let’s just watch and listen.



  1. We went up the field path behind our house this afternoon and it felt exactly how you described above. Great writing and thanks for sharing!

  2. This is exactly such moments we all want... yet we rush past these moments too often.

  3. I wish life gave us more time to do this. Nicely done.

  4. We should take a moment like that more often.

  5. 'What is this Life if, full of care, we have no time to stand and stare?' A magnolia tree gave me my moment this morning, and you gave me another one.

  6. This is how children see the world, and we should remember from time to time how to do it. Lovely story. --gahlearner

  7. Wonderful descriptions. I could hear this.

  8. Dear Keith,

    Good words. Sometimes it's wonderful to turn off all electronic devices and listen.



  9. As an introvert, I do revel in the quiet.

  10. Nice word picture of what seems like a lovely day.

  11. A soothing picture. Sounds like paradise.

  12. Most of us seem to forget to just stop and listen to nature once in a while. We hurry through our lives. Lovely descriptions, Keith. Well done. :) --- Suzanne
