Sunday, July 12, 2015

Hell hath no fury.......

I've based my tale on the first thought that came into my mind when I saw the picture. I hope I've not been too hasty!

She had a one track mind. Obsessed with thoughts of revenge, inhabited by hate and the need to destroy that which had almost destroyed her.

She blindly followed whichever merciless idea was the first to enter her head, with no thought as to where it might lead, or the consequences that might ensue.

But he was always one stop further down the line. To him, the chase was a challenge. As she plotted, he relished the hunt like a wise old fox dodging the blood hungry hounds.

And whilst she headed for the sunset he enjoyed the dawn, for he was starting anew. A new conquest tempted by his alluring words on a dating site.

At least, so he thought.

But she had reached her final destination. This part of her plan had worked and at last she stood face to face with her tormentor. Now it was she that had the upper hand.

The chase was over. She claimed her prize then skillfully disposed of it like so much garbage. She felt no guilt, no remorse, only satisfaction..

At last her mind was free to travel any track it desired. 



  1. Keith at his best! Superbly told.

  2. Fun write. It made me think of the damsel in distress being tied to the train tracks and the weaselly villain twisting his black mustache. But then the tables are turned. ;-)

  3. Fantastic read Keith! Glad to see a finality and she triumphed!


  4. In this case, haste definitely did not make waste. ~grin~ You have a great storytelling instinct.

  5. Thank you for visit and your kind comment.

  6. Fine story, excellently written.

  7. Oh! Great tale!

  8. 'He' becomes 'it'...A powerful switch to something quite meaningless. A great short story.

  9. Definitely took a good direction, Keith ~~

  10. Seems like it was a very good idea to go with your first thought - a great tale.

  11. Love this take. There is certainly menace in that posture; and your tale has just told us why.

  12. Very interesting take and a story well told..

  13. Whoah! How powerful. I can feel the emotion.

    But that's how revenge usually works. It makes you obsessed with the idea of vindication. Not everyone gets their victory right away though. And in my opinion, letting go is much more powerful in the end.

  14. Power packed. When I started reading I found a similarity to what I had thought but then our stories parted ways with the lady and sunset... Enjoyed reading it!

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