Friday, April 17, 2015

The Obituary

There was nothing much of interest in the local paper. Until that was, he saw the result of a football match which he thought wasn't happening until next Saturday.

The weather forecast seemed odd too. It was the longest period of wet weather he could remember, yet it said ‘the current spell of unseasonably warm and sunny weather is set to continue'.

Then on the obituary page he saw a photograph that made him stop dead. He was looking at a tribute to himself.

The words started spinning and everything around him became a blur except for the date at the top of the page which came into sharp focus.

He was reading next week’s paper.

Tomorrow I will be posting fairy story called La Princesse

Picture: Keith's Ramblings at Ribbet



  1. did he go forward in time or did the newspaper come back in time? you left me mystified

  2. The theme to Twilight is now playing in my head. Spooky.

  3. Ooh, chilling. Another brilliant story Keith!

    Annalisa, writing A-Z vignettes, at Wake Up, Eat, Write, Sleep

    1. Thanks Annalisa. Today chill, tomorrow I can promise a little warmth!

  4. Yes, chilling! Now what does he do?

    1. Time to get his affairs in order incase his wife finds out I guess!

  5. You have a gift at putting chill in chiller. Well done. If you ever delve into novels, I imagine you'd do wonderfully. Whatever you do, please do not stop writing. Best wishes!

    1. Writing is almost an addition to me so I'm not stopping that's for sure! As for novels I need to keep my feet on the ground for a while and give up globe trotting if I'm going to make a go of it. Difficult decision time!

  6. Very chilling. Fascinating how a word can set off those creative writing ideas. And the story just emerges.

    1. Stories just appear from nowhere for me as I'm sure they do for most of us

  7. Replies
    1. Never happier than when I'm I'm spooking people! Thanks for dropping by Yvonne

  8. Oh snap! He has a week to figure something out. Man, that would freak me out. :)

    1. I would have the best week of my life and do all the things I would loved to have done had they been legal! Anyone who's ever upset me - look out!

  9. Now that's something you don't want to see. Oh well, at least he knows, which many people don't!

  10. OMG! That's a spooky one! I am sure it must have freaked him out! Good one, Keith :)

  11. Reminds me of a series I once saw on television :) Dunno why, but for the life of me, I can't remember the name of that series.

    Loved it! Freaky for sure. But now that he's seen the future, I wonder if he can change it :)

  12. Oh sh&%, no, I don't wanna know....

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