Tuesday, April 07, 2015

The Flutter

                        Breaking News - Tooth Fairies may strike

UNFAIR, the Union of Fairies today said the Fairy Godmother is planning to cut the number of fairies that are currently deployed in tooth collecting duties.

A spokesfairy for the Tooth Fairies said the proposed cuts will leave hundreds jobless, and the workload of those remaining unreasonably increased.

It claims that the Fairy Godmother’s plan will leave the service operating on a wing and a prayer.

It is also concerned that creating a gap in the tooth market will give the Bad Fairies a chance to fly into this lucrative area and lower the amount that is currently paid to children’s for their used teeth.

UNFAIR is making a series of proposals which if not agreed to will result in a withdrawal of labour. 

The Tooth Fairies have the support of the Fairy Dust Sprinklers who are concerned that a similar plan will shortly be announced for them. 

The Flower Fairies declined to comment although The Daily Flutter understands they are whispering their concerns about the increasing number of workers suffering from hay fever and other pollen related conditions.  
An angry fairy at yesterday’s meeting between the Fairy Godmother and union officials

There will be a complete change of mood tomorrow when I tell you a sinister story entitled THE GROOM



  1. Ooh, thrilling stuff! I just recently read Terry Pratchett's "Hogfather", and I love the explanation there of the true story behind the tooth fairy racket. One hint; if you can do magic with a bit of hair wrapped around a voodoo doll, what can you do with the teeth of millions of children? ;)

    Come visit me at http://chriskelworth.com/blog

    1. Interesting. You've certainly given me something to chew over.

  2. Love the picture that goes with the story! Fun.


  3. quite a serious issue. hope everything will turn out fine, i like the pic

    1. I'm sure it will! Loving your short stories by the way.

  4. So sorry the fairies are being treated in this manor... I hope they can fly out of this issue!

    Welcome in the letter "F"... thank you!
    Jeremy [Retro]
    AtoZ Challenge Co-Host [2015]

    There's no earthly way of knowing.
    Which direction we are going!

    Come Visit: You know you want to know if me or Hollywood... is Nuts?

    1. I'm certain they will - you know what they are like when they get their teeth into something!

  5. There's trouble in the fairy world! Enjoyed that, thanks a lot
    Dan Brown A-Z

    1. There certainly is! Thanks for coming back again!

  6. Oh no! My little girl's tooth just came out (I'm sure the excessive chocolate helped it along). She'll be furious if she receives less than the standard rate.

    1. Just Googled it for you and the highest rate is London at £5.05 per chopper and the lowest Glasgow at 11p. Thought you'd like to know!!

  7. oh my your creative imagination is so inventive and fun! Cheers and have a Fantastic day!

  8. I hate to break it to the fairies, but kids these days are seriously overpaid for their tiny little teeth. As one of those people who are guilty, guilty, guilty, of doing this, I should know. ;)

    1. Apparently kids the US were paid a total of $225 million last year by the tooth fairies. And you contributed!!!

  9. It does make sense that reducing the number of fairies collecting teeth would result in a glut in the supply of teeth on the market. What is it these teeth 'do' anyway? Maybe these fairies should try solar instead.

    1. They use them to build everything in Fairyland which is why it's the brightest star in the sky. Truly!

  10. Nice! I look forward to tomorrow's tale. I'm glad to have found you on the A to Z blog challenge. I'm number 1357 on the list, by the way.

  11. I looooove your imagination!

    1. Me too! It takes me to some strange paces!

  12. LOL. :D I love it. Especially the name of the paper :)
