Monday, March 10, 2008


Leaden lumps of rain pour down from a slate grey sky upon a lake of blackened water. On its surface dance a thousand diamond coronets. Here and there flashes of silver as fish leap, jump, and frolic in the rain.

A swan, head held high, swims serenely twixt reeds and lily pads, unconcerned, seemingly unaware of nature’s fury.
A shaft of sunlight shoots between the clouds, which scatter, revealing a canvas of lightest purest blue. The trees, minutes ago sombre hunched and dour, salute the sun resplendent in their new coats of glistening glossy green.

Bird song breaks the silence, and a fox ventures from its lair. A cloud of insects tumble in the air and a frantic dragonfly hovers, darts then hovers again.

Spring in England. I wouldn’t want it any other way.

let me read it to you!


  1. Keith that is so beautiful, I want to be there!
    The imagery you show us with your writing is superb!

  2. Oh, and I love the butterfly!

  3. Beautiful words Keith. Here we started Autumn but it is still warm.

  4. I can hear it, see it - now if I could just feel spring!

  5. Hopefully your words will be inspiration for Spring to grace us with her presence. Winter lasts too long here.

  6. Very nicely done. Love the new look.

  7. ` Sounds nicer than spring here in the ghetto!
