Thursday, October 01, 2015


 Friday Fictioneers. Thanks Rochelle for this week's photo prompt.

My friend Rosey came round yesterday and I mentioned I had a new mouse. She squeaked and leapt onto a chair! I was of course referring to my snazzy new computer mouse, not a rodent.

She recently saw a real mouse in her apartment. The pest control chappy couldn’t come for two days so she booked herself into a hotel. I offered to feed her cats and when I went round, they were sitting atop the wardrobe visibly shaking!

Her computer mouse is shaped like a hot-dog which is odd as she’s a vegetarian.

But then nothing surprises me with Rosey!

*In case you don’t already know, Rosey’s own blog is called Rosey Pinkerton 



  1. Haha! She booked herself into a hotel and the poor cats were terrified of the computer mouse. LOL

  2. I'm sure some of my friends would book into a hotel rather than live with a mouse!

  3. lol great story. Our cats bring mice into the house Than I run out as well and hubby has to catch it first

  4. Funny how the meaning of words evolve through time. :)
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  5. Feed the cats? Did you say, feed the cats??? *grin* just love these

  6. Maybe you should have freed the cats before feeding them..

  7. Maybe my dog can visit. She's the greatest mouse hunter. Laughing about the hot dog shaped mouse. Tell Rosey that mice can be cute.

  8. Good story, Keith. Funny about the cats being scared of a mouse. My daughter says her cats are just too lazy to catch a mouse. Sounds like Garfield who bribes the mice to act scared. The computer mouse shaped like a hotdog is really creative. Well done. :) --- Suzanne
