Sunday, February 01, 2015


I learned something today! Until I read the message from our host didn't realise that The Sunday Whirl was just for poets!

For absolutely ages my favourite writing day has been Sunday thanks to these prompts. It’s the day I settle down and spend ages fitting the words into my short story. I spread them across the top of my page, ticking them off as they find a place so sit. I’ve never been one to join the race to get my link at the top of the list. I always try to read and comment on as many entries as possible even though I often have no idea what they are about! But I’ve often wondered why my contributions attract very few comments compared to those of the other Wordlers who immerse themselves in acrostics and limericks, haikus and horatians. And I’ve never featured in the list of Wordlers in the margin even though I’ve rarely missed a week. Now I know why.

So, it’s with humility I bow to the poets who once again surround me. Long may you relish your rhymes and free up your verse. This week will be my last so I feel no shame in omitting some of the words!  Farewell.

PS! Hopefully I'll see you at Monday Wordle where all genres are welcome It's one of several prompt  at


  1. I am sorry you are leaving here...don't go is my first thought! Me and Alice will always find you..and rosey of course

    1. Rosey and I frequent several of the same sites as you and Alice, so we won't be strangers that I promise.

  2. Here's a suggestion: Go undercover. Break up your short story into short lines--you know, disguise it as poetry! A little subterfuge never hurt anyone!

    I'm with Jae Rose: Don't go! Please!

    1. Thanks for the suggestion MMT. I did that a few weeks ago and it looked like free verse and it got more readers, but I don't really want to have to do that. It's interesting that if you go into a bookshop or look at what people are reading on the train or wherever, most of what you see is prose (in the form of novels) rather than poetry. In the blogosphere however it's the opposite.

    2. ...and I said to Jae Rose, we all seem to inhabit the same prompt sites other than Wordle, so I won't disappear entirely - in fact I've just posted a nonsense story to Magpie Tales.

  3. Oh, no!!! I fear I goofed because I didn't know it was just for poetry.

    1. Hi Gail, I've just come across the Monday Wordle which works exactly the same, but asks for short stories as well as poems, and I found several familiar bloggers there too!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Thanks, Keith, for saying that there's a Monday Wordle. I had no idea!

    4. It's just one of an interesting bunch of prompts at -

  4. I didn't realize either and researching back I find that many of my pieces did not conform. Who cared? No one! Just think of your writing as blank verse! Life is all about breaking rules.

    1. I like your style, Old Egg, you old rule breaker! ;)

  5. Hope you'll be continue in any genre... Love your spirit! x

  6. Well if it makes you feel any better Keith, I am a poet, have not broken any rules, apart from having a personality, and have been banished also. LOL. I doubt if this comment will even appear.

    1. oops... of course it will's on your site ...Good luck with finding a creative outlet that is not run by autocratic school teachers !

  7. Haha, I do this sometimes too! But, I figure as long as the prompt inspires you to write then it's a WIN :-) I love MLMM so am sure I'll see you around!!

  8. Creativity is creativity, and I doubt anyone begrudges you your talent to write.

  9. Sure they don't begrudge me my talent to write... as long as they can make it as difficult as possible by preventing me to be read by barring me from their sites..! Quite honestly, I had no idea I was that good LOL.
