Saturday, February 04, 2012


Every day has one special moment for me. Although it always happens at around the same time, the experience differs from one day to the next.  It’s the moment I throw back the curtains in my huge bay window and discover what nature has in store for me in the park opposite my apartment! On the stage before me I’ve seen sunshine, showers, and snow. I’ve seen storm battered bushes and perfect calm. One day the lake is a rippling mirror, another a grey hostile lagoon. It’s a playground, a classroom and a sanctuary where flora and fauna are at one with mankind.

I’ve never been one for wandering around parks; the outlook from my previous homes has always been one of other buildings, roads and cars. But having this wonderful facility outside my door has made me realize what I’ve been missing. In the words of John Keothe's poem In the Park, I guess 'this was the life I wanted but I could never see'

And so, I’ve decided to keep a weekly diary; a kind of journal in which I can share with you the changing seasons in my park. I’ll tell you about the many activities that are enjoyed by the good folk of Bexhill on Sea and introduce you to the ever hungry birds that beg at the water’s edge!
As I write this, the sun is setting, a deep ruby red behind the distant shadowy trees. It’s time to draw the curtains and bring today’s performance to a close.

Click on smaller photos to enlarge. The first picture shows my apartment from the park, and the second one was taken from my window looking towards the spot from which I took the first!


  1. What a luxery to have such a view and I trust you to write many more wonderful notes about the park.

  2. Beautiful Images and so is the Description.
    Lovely Post.

  3. I can see why this view would inspire you - it's glorious ...

  4. That's a great idea Keith! Love the shot back towards your viewpoint - shows how you are part of the park!

  5. Very nice, Keith. I do think it is wonderful when one can really enjoy the scenery outside one's front door!
