Tuesday, February 07, 2012

A piece of her heart

She loved him. He was her world, her soul mate; nothing else mattered in her life. They would be as one until eternity she thought, but love is blind they say. One day she awoke and he was gone. When he left he took a piece of her heart. She would never ever love again.

A story in 55 words written for the Love in Creativity project at Short Story Slam, and Magpie Tales


  1. How do you mend a broken heart? Such a sad tale. Thanks for sharing this.

  2. This was so sad and like Linda I have to ask, "How do you mend a broken heart? Is it even possible?" All I know is that love is real and although it may not be this particular person, it may be the one you least expect to love with again.
    This was very well done with the 55 word prompt. I'm really impressed. Be blessed.

