Sunday, January 29, 2012

Undressed for action!

I saw this photo over at Magpie Tales and I was reminded of something Rosey did recently. It also fits quite nicely with this week’s prompt at Sunday Scribblings!

I don’t know if you recall, but a few months ago I told you about the time Rosey and I went to an art exhibition and she spotted a poster on the notice board advertising life drawing classes. Rosey often gets excited about possible new projects and this was no exception. But I know Rosey well, and more often than not her hair- brained ideas go nowhere. I said that she’d be too embarrassed to stand there ogling naked bodies. I was so convinced that she’d forget about it that I made a bet with her. I said if she took up life painting I’d pose in the buff myself! Well, she laughed so much that she almost choked and I tried to remember all the resuscitation techniques she’d tried to teach me after her first aid course last year. When she recovered she said if there was to be a bet, it would have to be for a prize worth winning, and she wouldn’t take gamble for anything less than a bottle of Chardonnay. That put me firmly in my place! After that I guess I just forgot about it.

Anyway I called round unannounced at her apartment a couple of weeks ago and she answered the door wearing a paint splattered linen jacket and gripping an artist’s brush between teeth. As soon as I walked through into the hallway my eyes were assaulted by drawings and watercolours of naked men and women. I couldn’t believe my eyes; they were everywhere. I had to admit they weren’t too bad, she'd obviously started going to the course. I then remembered the bet. I’d arrived with a bottle of wine anyway; I said she could consider it to be her prize for proving me to be a doubting Thomas. She then confessed that she had actually been to some of classes, but said nothing in case it didn’t work out. Since then she’d painting nudes right there in her front room! I guessed by her attire that she was mid-action at that very moment. I told to take the bottle, and I turned to make my escape. She then started dragging towards her ‘studio’; I was none too keen to enter I can tell you, but my resistance was futile. I kept my head to one side, covered one eye and squinted with the other in fear of what embarrassing sight I was about to witness.  She then said that I’d arrived at a most opportune moment because she wanted to draw a pair of men in an artistic pose. She said she was taking me up my original offer and hoped I was wearing clean underwear!  By now I’m beginning to panic! I tried joking my way out of it by saying silly things; I’m overdue for my bikini wax, and have an unsightly boil on my bum, but she kept tugging. She then suddenly let go of my arm and I shot backwards tripping over Scruff the cat who let out a wailing sound before heading for the safety of  the kitchen.  Rosey starting giggling at me as I sat there on the floor; said she was only teasing and that she’d happily settle for the chardonnay. She insisted however that I come right inside. Well I got to my feet, brushed myself down and ventured toward doorway. Inside stood a professional looking easel supporting a large canvass on which I could make out the beginnings of a painting of a nude Adonis. It was blocking the view within so I gingerly peered around the canvas, nervous of what I might see.

I can’t remember if I ever told you, but Rosey has the world’s biggest collection of dress up dolls. There’s not a Barbie she’s doesn’t own and she has Cindy dolls galore. And there on a table, standing to attention was one of her army of Action Men, as naked as the day he popped out his mould.

Though I say it myself, that was a pretty good bottle of Chardonnay!

To read more stories about Rosey click HERE!

The book is available from LULU PUBLICATIONS


  1. It is always a delight to read of Rosey's latest exploits. The picture you paint of her shows off your own artistic skills.

  2. I saw the prompt Tess had up on FB and decided to pop over and see what you were up to. I think you did a good job on it and I would give you a 9 out of 10 — put the drawings up and I might go as high as 12.

  3. Yes, wonderful to have Rosey back (and Scruff the cat)..made me giggle..I went to the V&A a while back..the assault of marble winkies was an assault to the senses..I love this Old Egg says it's a picture in words and another heart-filled piece..Jae

  4. Love your story and it sounds like Rosey is a woman of action. You should have posed though.

  5. This is pure delight! As usual!

  6. Rosey strikes again..., you are so lucky she was only teasing, otherwise she might have put the photo of the painting on FaceBook and we would all have seen you in the buff.

  7. Rosey sounds like a fun character. An enjoyable read!

  8. I loved this Rosie story, you should never bet a woman, by the way...

  9. This made me laugh pretty hard. Excellent story!

  10. Rosie stories are wonderful!

  11. Hi there. I'm happy to know a bit of Rosey, sounds like a fun friend to have.

    What an entertaining story with a enjoyable ending.
