Monday, September 13, 2010

A misty moisty morning

All around me is silent. I hear nothing but the swish of my feet in the dew laden grass. Then suddenly the clapping of flapping wings echoes all around of as a bird bursts from the skeletal branches of a leafless tree. A copper coloured fox stands staring, motionless, one paw raised as if I were an intruder in his private world. Then a splash and a flash as a silver fish frolics in the glassy water of the reed edged lake sending shimmering ripples  in ever increasing circles across its surface.

The world around me sleeps as the sun’s glistening orb begins it daily accent into bright white sky. This misty moisty morning, the air I breathe is damp and cold and pure. The heady scent of a new dawn is intense, and as yet untainted by the flurry of human activity soon to begin. For now at least, this is my world. A world unseen by most. A world I keep to myself.

Written for Carry On Tuesday   Photo by Nitroc at deviantArt


  1. Captured me, with intensity I read!
    Feeling the "Misty moisty morning"
    in my blood! Well done!!

  2. There is always a world unseen by most, in everyone's life. intensely interesting.

  3. This prose poem captures all the atmosphere of that misty morning.

  4. You make this morning so positive and magical, much like I normally do - - though for some reason, the prompt worked very differently in me.

    My Carry On Tuesday poem.

  5. Wonderfully clear and vivid. You allow your reader entrance into a private space. Thank you,


  6. I hope this place is real. Gorgeous!

  7. Wonderful sensitive and sensuous imagery!

  8. A wonderful piece of descriptive writing. I felt like I was there with dew and fox and fish.
