Sunday, December 09, 2007

Writers Island - The Moment

The Moment One

Cherish this moment

This fleeting moment.

If this moment is happy

Remember it.

If this moment is sad, don’t worry.

It’s already passed.

The Moment Two

How many types of moment are there? Let’s think.

Moments in time

Moments in space

Magic moments /Burt Bacharach

Cadbury’s Chocolate Moments /yum!

Blonde moments /how embarrassing!

Senior moments /now what was I doing?

Just a moment!

Momentous moments / big!

The Principal of Moments / Album, Robert Plant

Mathematical Moments / dull!

This brief moment with you/ priceless
The concluding part of The Stranger
The complete story


  1. Now just a moment Keith I will take a cadbury moment and endulge in a momentous moment of your priceless moment.

  2. Me too please Marja, mmm...chocolate.

  3. this was a delightful moment!

  4. Love it.......beautiful n like all others I agree - Cadbury's moment would be the best!!

  5. Shhhhh! don't let this moment pass! You are priceless, Keith!

  6. Just popped in for a mo, Keith. Glad I did.
    Cadburys! Priceless.

  7. I like the way you showed the thinking process in this piece. Just a moment, yes...

  8. I loved this...all moments taken
    Like the look of your blog and specially the fish...

  9. Oh yes this moment and post was priceless and thoughtful, thank you Keith.

    Onto...stranger...conclusion, I sure hope you wont end it in suspence..I am actually scared to read!



  10. Hey you all! ( I sounded quite American then!)Your comments so far are very - er - interesting! Cadbury's seem to be the winners here! It's just a shame that Moments have been dis-continued!Had they not I would have sent to all a bag! Not!

  11. It's just occured to me that you miserable bunch of b********s have ignored my piece of poetry.

    You've been so seduced by the Cadbury's Moments that you have totaly missed my verse.

    I slaved over it - my soul went into it. I lived it. I loved it.

    It drained my emotions!

    And all you are interested in is f******g chocolate!


    So I'm going to force it down you necks!

    'Cherish this moment,this fleeting moment.
    If this moment is happy,remember it.
    If this moment is sad don’t worry.
    It’s already passed.'

    Lord Byron eat your bleeding heart out.

  12. Aww Keith, put chocolate infront of me and I lose my mind.

    *chants to self*

    Chocolate bad, Keiths poem good
    Chocolate bad, Keith's poem good

    I think you and your poem are wonderful.

  13. Your moments piece is wonderful. I am here now if you are.

  14. I had a wonderful, insightful comment just calling out to be made, I'm sure, but the thought of a Cadbury chocolate moment just drove it straight out of my head, so I'll just say "great moment Keith".

  15. Today I had a Cadbury Chocolate moment! So much for making an intelligent comment..:D

    unconnected moments

  16. yep, me too, I'm one of those heathens, but can you blame us??? Once having tasted the no turning back chocolate temptation??? As to sounding American, you can't hide that gorgeous British accent!!! I did like that line of "if the moment is sad, don't worry. It's already passed."

  17. So many moments - hmm, what else was I going to say? Must be having another one of those senior moments or maybe it's a blonde one - sometimes it's hard to tell :)
    Either way, I'd much rather have a Cadbury chocolate one...
    Great take on the prompt!

  18. Loved this.. thanks...
    and now I am craving for cadbury's chocolate.. its been a while since I ate one.. I live in a land of hershey's and kit kat... phew!!! can you send some my way??! :)
    Great post!

  19. Love this post!

    Great takes of the "moment," Keith. The total feel of this post is just so Happy, and that's just how we should celebrate each moment. I like the exchanges of comments, too. Friendly atmosphere, the mirth multiplied because it was shared and everybody is infected. Mirths are always contageous.

    Thanks for dropping by my nook and leaving a comment on my winning moments. And oh the fish, it's my painting: Fish of Mind: Click my flicker account to view:

    I've noticed you love fishes. Your virtual reality images of fishes here are amusing. I wish i have one.

    I wish you well.

    ~ Jeques
